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Rule Number 12 Smile and Say ‘No!’ until Your Tongue Bleeds

Attributed to Harvey Mackay in his pithy book “Swim With The Sharks Without Being Eaten Alive”, I like this adage because it is, like many other aspects of negotiation, so counter-intuitive.In his view (and ours), you’ll be amazed how much the terms of your deals will improve when you learn to say ‘No’.

However, there is a heck of a lot more to this expression than first meets the eye.

Rule Number 11 Understand the Power of Silence in a Negotiation

We live in a world of noise where silence has almost ceased to exist. A significant majority of people are uncomfortable with it and seek to fill it even with mundane background noise. We regularly see this manifest itself in countless businesses where we see people in meetings and negotiations talking too much, tripping over themselves to ‘lead the conversation’ or to interject as soon as the other person pauses so that they can post their arguments. It is as though silence is to be avoided and immediately filled...

Rule Number 10 Be Prepared to Walk Away from the Table Without a Deal

There is nothing quite so empowering to a negotiator that knowing that they can walk away from the deal if necessary. This hugely important factor enables them to be assertive on their goals, confident that if an acceptable deal is not reached, they have an alternative option. Similarly, the other party will sense this too and will be commensurately wary of pushing too hard. Unfortunately, the opposite is true too! Having no alternative, such as in a monopoly situation, can leave you in a very vulnerable position.

Rule No. 9. “Give away nothing for Free”

When negotiating, a good mindset to adopt is the one that says everything has a value and that nothing should be given away for free.Yet, far too often well-intentioned or naïve negotiators give away items to the other party when they need not.The irony being that by giving it away too easily, its value becomes much diminished for the recipient.

Rule Number 8 "Learn to Communicate"

To negotiate people must have the ability to exchange ideas, concerns, proposals and arguments – in short, communicate effectively.

Rule Number 7 "You Will Reap That Which You Sow"

In negotiation, and in life, everything that you do has repercussions – actions have consequences. It comes back to you one way or another.

Rule Number 6 "People Buy From People – So, Understand the Three Types of Proof Used By Persuasive Speakers"

Absolutely fundamental to negotiation is our ability to persuade others to accept our view.

Rule Number 5 "All customers / suppliers have a different value to you"

“There are, of course, many ways by which sellers can categorise or segment their customers. By far the most common is size or revenue, but this is simply not adequate if you want to determine how to manage a relationship or how to negotiate with a customer. ”

Rule Number 4 "Clarify and Understand your own Value Before you start"

“Value is the extent to which a product or service is perceived by the other party to meet his or her needs or desires, measured by their willingness to pay for it. It commonly depends more on their perception of the worth of the product than its intrinsic value.”

Rule Number 3 "Know your enemy and know yourself" Sun Tz

There was no greater war leader and strategist than Chinese military general Sun Tzu. His philosophy on how to be a great leader and ensure you win in work, management, and life is often quoted – for good reason. Sun Tzu also states the “Every battle is won before it is fought” – a point we picked up in our Rule No2.

Rule Number 2 Negotiations are won in the planning, preparation and rehearsal, not at the table.

In our experience, only one third of the delegates attending our programmes spend more than one hour planning, preparing and rehearsing for a negotiation. Often this is done in a café, taxi or train en-route to a customer, or in a rushed pre-meeting, which is prone to regular interruptions, just prior to a key meeting with a supplier!

Rule Number 1 If you do not ask – You will not get!

This is our “Rule Number 1 for Negotiation”. Although it may sound like a statement of ‘the blindingly obvious’, we are still struck by the number of people who fail to ask for what they want in a negotiation. In our view, ‘Asking’ is the most important discipline in negotiation. Have you ever wondered just how much money you may have left on the negotiating table because ‘you did not ask for more’? Perhaps you do not want to know, but importantly you should not want to leave any more in the future! If so, read on...


P&M Group / ISD

September 2015

NewDawn were selected to provide Advanced Negotiation training and support for P&M Group (ISD Solutions) in Gloucester. “We really like working with NewDawn not just because of their extensive knowledge but also because of their challenging and thought-provoking style of engagement. They have an infectious and inclusive style which has rubbed off on our management and our sales team. This has already led to better engagements with some difficult clients and has improved the confidence of our sales managers when engaging in difficult negotiations. We have already won some improved deals and are reaping the rewards of this investment”. Andy Moon, CEO.

P&M Group

August 2015

NewDawn selected to provide Advanced Negotiation training and support for P&M Group (ISD Solutions) in Gloucester.

Total Transparent Solutions

July 2015

Total Transparent Solutions have selected NewDawn to provide interim support as the director in charge of change management.


May 2015

NewDawn support Allergan Benelux during a live key customer negotiation. Support comprised consultancy support on a tender response and negotiation approach.


May 2015

NewDawn chosen as preferred partner with DeLaval to produce a bespoke programme on core procurement tools and advanced negotiations for the Global Sourcing team. Initial activity will take place in Spring/Summer 2015.

"I truly appreciate the time spent with you and it has already impacted my way of doing and thinking" (European Sourcing Director)


May 2015

NewDawn is now a delivery partner with the Chartered Institute of Purchasing & Supply (CIPS) for the Corporate Certification programme. Mark Henderson was heavily involved in the design and development of the new CIPS best practice standard and is involved with delivery of a range of these programmes across the world.

If you would like more information on this programme please contact Mark.


April 2015

NewDawn conducted a 3 day Negotiation and Deal Closure Master Class for Vodafone Cloud Hosting Services in Newbury.

“Well structured and invaluable. 3 days is a big time commitment, but it was well worth it. I wish I had done this before my current deal was negotiated!”

Young and Rubicam

February 2015

NewDawn hosted a programme for Y&R’s own staff and some sister WPP agencies in February 2015 on the topic of post-contract customer management.

"We had nothing but positive feedback" (Vera Doninck, Talent and Marketing Director)

We are privileged to have worked with some of the best global, regional and national companies. Here is a snap shot of some of those companies:

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no. OC331989.
Registered Address:
Knoll House, Knoll Road,
Camberley, Surrey.
GU15 3SY, UK.